Changing Economic Perspectives
Whenever we reside in the current we don't recognise change as it happens but whenever we look back years later we see a definite change has occurred. When I consider the music I heard when I was in my teens and I compare that to the music we listen to now there's a clear change that goes beyond evolutionary principles. In Permaculture we think with regards to Small and Slow Solutions.
Often it appears people get confusing with what is supposed by change (current) and evolution (historical). Change is something that occurs to us and we notice it happen. All be it not until we look back after months, years or decades and start to see the change which was made. Evolution is something that occurs over what can be thousands of, million or indeed Billion years. The fact we walk upright and our arms are no longer another pair of legs is an excellent exemplory instance of evolution. Driving a vehicle to work rather than a horse is a good example of change.
Several decades ago the notion of a "Supermarket" wasn't even considered let alone considered a possibility. People would simply go to the corner store and purchase their goods. If it wasn't in stock it will be ordered. Anything from farm machinery to a bag of sugar.
Using the same example as above, change can again be observed happening now as more and more folks are opting to order their groceries and household items online and own it delivered to their door. While Supermarkets still exist and is going to do for some time, the way to online ordering has begun. In fact it's well directly into its tenth year in the mainstream. In Australia this is often seen with the leading players in the Supermarket duopoly Coles and Woolworths each offering home delivery services with online ordering.
When economic crisis hits, industries commence to fail, people who'd been employed in the same industry for quite some time all of an immediate end up underemployed and often unemployable. One of the biggest reasons for that is failing to follow trends if they present themselves.
One of these of that is Network Marketing which has moved through several changes since it began in early 1900's. It was initially simply a business model for distribution, Then a Nutrition Industry started attracting attention and Network Marketing became the best distribution model. It was a consumable product, light-weight for cheap postage, it attracted the Baby boomer demographic which was the biggest single target market band of the Network Marketing Opportunity. And now the Network Marketing Industry is beginning to target on the Home Shopping sector with renewed concentrate on health, organics and home based business.
Suffice to state this is essential to recognise new industry trends - preferably chasing them from the nose rather than the tail, anticipate to accept change and move ahead to new ways to do things and don't hesitate to let goof the old in favour of the new.
Network Marketing as a business system is still here while many other businesses and distribution models have collapsed and it will be here for quite some time to come.
Applying Permaculture Principles to Economics and Business Online Permaculture models is a vital element of a complete Permaculture System.
Eric J. Smith is just a qualified Horticulturalist and Permaculturalist. Eric writes about his interest in many areas of Environmental concern and brings into focus Changing Economic paradigms. Eric has an interest for Organic Gardening and Permanent Edible Landscape Design with an emphasis on the sustainable use of environmental systems.